Pillory of Truth
I have been very annoyed the last few days about the talking heads in the MSM. To put it bluntly, they have no idea what they are talking about in regards to Catholicism. They more or less impose a Protestant model of the Church onto Catholicism. They speak as if the Pope, and/or the Bishops could simply snap their fingers, and change the teachings of the Church if they wanted to.
The MSM is always blathering about the same issues: birth control, homosexual activity, and women priests. John Paul II has already made clear that the Church has no authority to change these teachings, i.e. they are part of the deposit of Faith given by Christ Himself. In other words, the Magisterium (teaching office of the Church) is the CUSTODIAN of the Faith, not the INVENTOR of the Faith. These teachings have been constant for 2000 years; in actuality more like 4000+ years if the Jewish tradition is included.
But instead of taking the issue seriously and taking the time to find knowledgeable people within the faith, they bring on prominent but theologically illiterate Catholics like Mario Cuomo, who simply declare that the Church teaching could be changed - this is little more than wishful thinking on his part.
One thing is for sure: all of this wishful thinking is summed up in Sacred Scripture in II Timothy 4:3-4, "For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths."
I'm similarly tired of Vatican II being used as the excuse and justification for dissent and endless liturgical antics. I'm convinced that none of these folks have ever read the documents of Vatican II, with the possible exception of some very selective quotations taken out of context.
I'll make one exception to this rule: Fox News has been a breath of fresh air over the last week. The commentators they have brought in, by and large, actually know the Catholic faith.